
A clean and well-maintained coffee maker is essential to ensure optimal performance and a great-tasting cup of coffee every time. In this article, we will explore the steps you can take to clean and maintain your Bonavita Coffee Maker for optimal performance.

Daily Cleaning

The first step in maintaining your Bonavita Coffee Maker is to clean it daily. After brewing your coffee, remove the carafe and rinse it with warm water. Use a soft cloth or sponge to wipe down the exterior of the machine, being careful not to get water in the electrical components. Additionally, remove the filter basket and wash it with warm soapy water, then rinse it thoroughly and let it dry.

Weekly Cleaning

In addition to daily cleaning, it is important to do a more thorough cleaning of your Bonavita Coffee Maker on a weekly basis. Start by filling the water tank with a mixture of half water and half white vinegar. Run the machine through a brewing cycle as if you were making coffee, but without the coffee grounds. This will help to remove any mineral buildup or impurities that may have accumulated in the machine.

Deep Cleaning

If you notice that your coffee maker is not performing as well as it should be, it may be time for a deep cleaning. Start by unplugging the machine and letting it cool down completely. Remove the filter basket and carafe and wash them with warm soapy water, then rinse them thoroughly and let them dry. Using a soft brush, clean the showerhead and the area around it to remove any buildup or residue.


Over time, mineral buildup can accumulate in your coffee maker, affecting its performance and the taste of your coffee. To remove this buildup, you will need to descale your machine. Start by filling the water tank with a mixture of water and white vinegar or a commercial descaling solution. Run the machine through a brewing cycle as if you were making coffee, but without the coffee grounds. Repeat this process until the water tank is empty, then run the machine with clean water to rinse it thoroughly.

Replacing the Filter

The filter in your Bonavita Coffee Maker should be replaced every three to six months, depending on usage. A dirty or clogged filter can affect the taste and quality of your coffee, so it is important to replace it regularly. To replace the filter, simply remove the old one and replace it with a new one.

Replacing the Carafe

If your Bonavita Coffee Maker’s carafe is cracked or damaged, it is important to replace it for safety reasons. Additionally, if the carafe is not properly aligned with the machine, it can affect the brewing process and the taste of your coffee. To replace the carafe, simply purchase a new one that is compatible with your machine.


Maintaining your Bonavita Coffee Maker is essential to ensure optimal performance and a great-tasting cup of coffee every time. By cleaning your machine daily, doing a weekly cleaning, performing a deep cleaning when necessary, descaling your machine, replacing the filter regularly, and replacing the carafe if necessary, you can keep your coffee maker in top condition. With its simple and straightforward design and precise brewing temperature, your Bonavita Coffee Maker is the perfect tool to create the perfect cup of coffee every time.

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